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2 min read
What does it Mean to be a Christian Minister?
The word "minister" means "servant." To minister to someone means to serve them. So in a sense, all Christians should be ministers....
8 min read
What's So Great About Christianity
While atheism posits a universe without meaning, Christianity makes of life a moral drama in which we play a starring role and in which...
2 min read
Early Americans Valued a Bible-Inspired Work Ethic
America is a country that was built upon hard work. The first settlers in what would become the original thirteen colonies of the United...
12 min read
Can we believe the Bible's miracles?
Have you ever been embarrassed by the miracles in the Bible? Have you winced at the thought of defending them? How about the account of...
21 min read
Does God Exist?
Summary Does God exist? This is one of the most important questions a person can consider. Your belief in the existence of God has...
5 min read
11 reasons why being a Christian is totally worth it
This is a rich and rewarding life! Written by Joy Efseaff 11 reasons why being a Christian is totally worth it (Click to listen to a...
17 min read
The Great Appeal: What did Christianity offer its believers that made it worth social estrangement,
The Great Appeal Helmut Koester: John H. Morison Professor of New Testament Studies and Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History Harvard...
17 min read
Has Christianity ever done any good for humanity?
Feeling defensive about being Christian? Have you ever felt intimidated by professors or fellow students who are outspoken about their...
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