Welcome to the Summit Bible College Alumni Association!
As you may already know, we have recently given the Alumni Association a bit of an overhaul. We are starting fresh with some new ideas that will enable us to better serve you. The purpose of the Alumni Association in a word is connection. When God brought you to Summit, He didn’t just bring you to an institution of Biblical learning or ministerial training. He brought to a family of believers that share a very special connection with one another. We want to you maintain that connection, both with the college and with the people you got to know while you were here. The Summit Bible College family is very large, with people doing amazing things for God all across the country and in many nations of the world! You are a part of that, and we want to support what you are doing for the Lord, whether you are serving him in the marketplace, at home, in education, in the political arena, or in full-time ministry! God has called us to be the light of the world, and that light shines all the brighter when we stand together.
One important aim of the Alumni Association is to aid members in networking together. If your ministry has need of a music minister or an associate pastor, there may be another Summit Bible College graduate that would be the perfect fit for your church. If you are a business owner, you might find the perfect employee among those who are likewise members of the Alumni Association. If you simply want to bring attention to your new business, we can help you get the word out to those members who may need your services! In fact, you will even be able to advertise in The Heights to let others know about your church, ministry, or business. Eventually, we will also have a directory for all participating members to make connecting with others easy.
We would love to see all our alumni become members of the Alumni Association. The cost for joining is only $50 a year, and will help to cover our administrative costs. However, there are other levels at which you can become a Partner Member by supporting Summit Bible College with your monthly gift. We hope all of you will earnestly and prayerfully consider joining of one of the Partnership levels and join with other Alumni Association Members in supporting the vision of Summit Bible College of “equipping Christian leaders to help those in need.” Together we can make a difference in our world for Christ, and see His purposes brought to pass!
Some of the Benefits of Membership in the SBC Alumni Association:
Connection! As a member of the Alumni Association, you have ample opportunity to stay connected with other alumni.
Networking! We can each encourage and supply to one another, as well as support the various efforts of our fellow alumni.
Ongoing impartation! Regular events are designed with you, the alumnus in mind!
Exposure! Announce your new ministry or business in The Heights!
Discounts! For those of you participating on the Partnership level, discounts are available for SBC tuition!
Additional resources! As the Alumni Association grows, more opportunities and resources will be created with our alumni in mind!
Participation in the Vision! As an alumnus of Summit Bible College, you are given the opportunity to help the vision of SBC expand through your prayer and support!
We need your support to make this possible. Training ministers successfully can only happen with the support of you—our generous Alumni. It’s easy, quick and secure.
To become a member of the Summit Bible College Alumni Association, please review and fill out the form below.
After you have submitted the form, please click the button below to make your payment for Membership/Partnership. Please indicate the level of your participation in the area for notes.